Building Your English Brain


No work,no progress

Thinking is the only way

If you do not learn to think in English, you will not be a fluent English speaker.

so start thinking in English.

Time != Success

Play Jump Swim

Play: Think creatively ,play with the language.

Jump: Don’t be shy. Just try.

Swim: Immerse yourself, be around English as much as you can.

30 Minutes rule

Practice English for at least 30 minutes everyday .


Find some ways to get feedback.

Enjoy it


Reading is a base, a foundation.

What is the best way to read

While red wine is produced in may different regions around the world, each of these regions share common features.

produce: Think about when we can use “produce”. For Example, we don’t say “the women produce a baby”.

feel the context, maybe we guess a word from the context



If you wanna read a real story

《Harry Potter》or another fiction is good.

《Who was Steve》or another 《Who is …》is good.

Learning Words

When you think a word, don’t think your language first, just think the word in one language, English.

  • form

when you learn a word, learn its forms, all forms.

  • context

We don’t speak a single word, we speak words in different situation.

There seemed to be a direct correlation between the number of babies born and the health standards in that area.

When you find a word you don’t understand, such as “correlation”

Guess , guess what it means from context , form or another aspects.

So that is it , learn English in English , think English by English.


idiom is a special phrase or cultural.

  • over the top: too much

Some idioms are wired or local , and you don’t have to learn.

When you hear a idiom, pay attention to who use it.

And don’t use idioms in every sentences.


Choose some words.

Stable, Stick, Common, Across

Now, we gonna put these words in a sentence, and we can use these different form.

As a common rule, I’d say sticking to your plans ill make you come across as a stable person to other.

Try another example, we can create kinds of sentences with these words.


Sign, ship, Strange, Beneath

Beneath the yellow sign on the ship cabin door was a strange marking.


Be creative. Play!

I think it might take a few days for me to help you book your tickets.

Let’s make some change

I think I can have your tikets booked in a few days.


Give me a few days to book your tickets.

One more time

if you give me a few days,I can book your tickets.

Full Paragraph Variations

Try to read a paragraph and then write another paragraph which has the same meaning.

Six years had passed in california since Adele had last seen her family and at last she decided to go home for a visit. She was totally shocked when she got there. Her whole family had a gathering to welcome her. Surprisingly, everything seemed unchanged.After a week seeing extended family, she headed back to the West coast and made a mental note that she would soon go back for a visit.


We gone use a very boring but using way to practice listening

Listen something,such broadcast.

For the first time, you can just understand about 20 or 30 percent,don’t worry about that.

And you listen it over and over again and write down what you have listened.

Sometime you have to guess what the words meaning,that is good. Guessing word is a very important skill for English speaker.